Psychodynamic Therapy

Psychodynamic Therapy

Psychodynamic Therapy evolved from the Psychoanalytic tradition founded by the work of Sigmund Freud in the 1890s. It retains many  of the skills, methods  and ideas from Freud's original work. These include the importance of a person's unconscious and how it influences their thoughts, feelings and behaviours, the importance of early and childhood experiences and the use of ego and defence mechanisms.

Whereas in traditional Psychoanalysis, people would often meet with their therapist several times a week, and remain in therapy for months or even years; Psychodynamic therapy is less intensive and attempts to find a quicker solution.

Psychodynmic Therapy can help you to uncover and recognise repressed emotions and unconscious influences, often  from past experiences. These may be affecting present feelings and behaviours or causing emotional distress. Understanding  root causes can often help people to make sense of their feelings and behaviours and put their emotional lives into perspective.

In therapy we will more often than not, journey back to earlier experiences, to uncover how specific people, patterns and events, are informing and influencing how you feel and behave today. It is at this point, where the work can then begin.





BACP Counsellor Leanne Jones

Leanne Jones NCS